Recruitment Agency Race Fairness Commitment

We want fairness at work for people of all ethnic backgrounds – so everyone has an equal chance to succeed. This means that Black, and all ethnic minority, job seekers with given qualifications are as likely to be contacted about, apply for, be interviewed for, and be offered a role as their White counterparts.


In July 2020 the Race Fairness Commitment was launched and now has over 40 signatories including the founding partners of the Recruitment Agency Race Fairness Commitment – Ashurst, Clifford Chance, Herbert Smith Freehills, Slaughter and May and Travers Smith. Alongside internal recruitment and HR teams, third party recruitment suppliers have a key role to play in ensuring equal access to opportunities for all candidates.

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What we want


Black, and all ethnic minority, candidates with the relevant experience are as likely to be contacted about roles as their White counterparts.


Black, and all ethnic minority, candidates are as likely to be put forward for roles as their White counterparts. They are also as likely to be introduced on a speculative basis.


Black, and all ethnic minority, job applicants with given qualifications and experience are as likely to be interviewed as their White counterparts.


Black, and all ethnic minority, people who reach interview are as likely to be offered a role as their White counterparts.

What we’re doing

We commit that our UK businesses will:


Ensure that our candidate pools/databases at least match the UK ethnic diversity and aspire to the local population if greater.

  • This may mean taking steps to better understand how Black, and all ethnic minority candidates approach their job searches; reviewing how candidates are sourced and where advertisements are placed; and monitoring candidate referral schemes to ensure our candidate networks are diverse and representative.

Ensure that our shortlists and speculative introductions at least match the ethnic diversity of the relevant market.

  • This may mean understanding individual markets by race.

Push for clarity and flexibility from our clients in relation to the backgrounds of the 'best candidates', particularly in relation to academic background and where they have developed their professional experience.


Take the time to explore contextual backgrounds and experiences of Black, and all ethnic minority, candidates, to better represent diverse candidates to firms/organisations.


Monitor the success of the people we put forward and hold clients accountable – for example “you ask for diversity on shortlists but you progress with 42% of our white candidates and only 11% of our ethnic minority ones”.


Demand hard, factual feedback on any ethnic minority candidates not hired. “Didn’t fit” and “something is not quite right” are not acceptable reasons for not hiring and are often code for bias


Make specific unconscious bias training mandatory for all candidate facing employees.


Monitor internally with a view to publishing externally/sharing with clients where appropriate:

  • Application (speculative and for active mandates) to submission for interview rates for Black, all ethnic minority, and White groups
  • Submission for interview (speculative and for active mandates) to interview rates for Black, all ethnic minority, and White groups
  • Interview to offer rates for Black, all ethnic minority, and White groups
  • Individual recruiter performance as it relates to the engagement and representation of Black and ethnic minority candidates

Ensure everyone (including employees and candidates) gets a clear message about our, and our clients’, zero tolerance of racism policy as it relates to candidates, that is reinforced on an annual basis at least.

Founding Partners


Rare and the founding law firms recognise that organisations joining this commitment are starting from different places, particularly in relation to data collection and have therefore taken the decision in the first year not to request data. Recruitment agencies will be asked, on an annual basis, to submit evidence of progress in relation to the 9 points above. This will be reviewed by a steering group, comprising of representatives from Rare and the founding law firms. This evidence will not be shared publicly, nor will it be used by the steering group to make commercial decisions. It is purely to ensure that progress has been made by those who join this commitment and to ensure the commitment remains fit for purpose.

The first request will be in October 2021.